Selasa, 29 Juni 2010

1. Keajaiban Dunia Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon adalah sebuah jurang tebing-terjal, diukir oleh Sungai Colorado, di utara Arizona. Jurang ini merupakan satu dari Tujuh Keajaiban Dunia dan sebagian besar berada di Taman Nasional Grand Canyon; salah satu taman nasional pertama di Amerika Serikat. Presiden Theodore Roosevelt merupakan salah satu pendukung utama wilayah Grand Canyon, mengunjunginya dalam beberapa kesempatan untuk berburu singa gunung dan menikmati pemandangan alam yang luar biasa.
Jurang ini, diciptakan oleh Sungai Colorado memotong sebuah selat selama jutaan tahun, panjangnya kira-kira 446 km, dengan lebar mulai dari 6 sampai 29 km dan dengan kedalaman lebih dari 1.600 m. Hampir dari 2000 juta tahun sejarah Bumi telah terpotong oleh Sungai Colorado dan anak sungainya lapis demi lapis sedimen ketika Dataran Tinggi Colorado mulai terangkat.

Grand Canyon pertama kali dilihat oleh orang Eropa pada 1540, García López de Cárdenas dari Spanyol. Ekspedisi saintifik pertama ke canyon ini dipimpin oleh Mayor AS John Wesley Powell pada akhir 1870-an. Powell menunjuk ke batuan sedimen yang terbuka di jurang sebagai “daun dalam buku cerita agung”. Namun, jauh sebelum masa itu, wilayah ini telah ditinggali oleh Penduduk Asli Amerika yang membangun tempat tinggal di tembok jurang ini.

2. Keajaiban Dunia Great Barrier Reef/Karang Penghalang Besar
Great Barrier Reef adalah kumpulan terumbu karang terbesar dunia yang terdiri dari kurang lebih 3.000 karang dan 900 pulau, yang membentang sepanjang 2.600 km. Karang ini berlokasi di Laut Koral, lepas pantai Queensland di timur laut Australia. Sebagian besar wilayah karang ini termasuk bagian yang dilindungi oleh Taman Laut Karang Penghalang Besar (Great Barrier Reef Marine Park).

Karang Penghalang Besar (KPB) dapat dilihat dari luar angkasa dan kadang disebut sebagai organisme tunggal terbesar di dunia. Pada kenyataannya, ia terbentuk dari berjuta organisme kecil, dikenal dengan sebutan polip koral (coral polyp). KPB dipilih sebagai sebagai salah satu Situs Warisan Dunia UNESCO pada tahun 1981.

Kekayaan biodiversitasnya, perairannya yang hangat dan jernih, serta keterjangkauannya dari fasilitas terapung yang disebut live aboards, membuat karang ini menjadi tujuan pariwisata yang sangat populer, terutama bagi para penyelam scuba. Banyak kota di sepanjang pesisir pantai Queensland yang menawarkan wisata laut ke karang ini setiap harinya. Beberapa pulau kontinental juga telah berubah fungsi menjadi resor.

3. Keajaiban Dunia Mount Everest
Mount Everest adalah gunung tertinggi di dunia (jika diukur dari paras laut). Rabung puncaknya menandakan perbatasan antara Nepal dan Tibet puncaknya berada di Tibet. Gunung ini mempunyai ketinggian sekitar 8.850 m. Gunung ini mendapatkan nama bahasa Inggrisnya dari nama Sir George Everest. Nama ini diberikan oleh Sir Andrew Waugh, surveyor-general India berkebangsaan Inggris, penerus Everest. Puncak Everest merupakan salah satu dari Tujuh Puncak Utama di dunia.

4. Keajaiban Dunia Air Terjun Victoria
Air terjun Victoria merupakan salah satu air terjun paling spektakuler di dunia. Air terjun ini terletak di Sungai Zambezi, yang pada saat ini membentuk perbatasan antara Zambia dan Zimbabwe. Air terjun ini memiliki lebar kira-kira 1 mil (1,6 km), dengan ketinggian 128m (420 kaki).

David Livingstone, penjelajah Skotlandia, mengunjungi danau ini pada 1855 dan menamakannya atas nama Ratu Victoria, sedangkan nama lokalnya adalah Mosi-oa-Tunya, “asap menggelegar.” Air terjun ini merupakan bagian dari dua taman nasional, Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park di Zambia dan Victoria Falls National Park di Zimbabwe, dan juga Situs Warisan Dunia UNESCO. Air terjun ini merupakan obyek wisata utama di Afrika Selatan.

5. Keajaiban Dunia Northern Lights
Salah satu keajaiban dunia adalah Northern Lights atau dikenal juga dengan istilah Aurora Borealis. Kejaiban cahaya warna-warni ini terbentuk akibat interaksi lapangan magnetik di Bumi dengan partikel matahari.

6. Keajaiban Dunia Volcano Paricutín
Volcano Paricutín, adalah sebuah gunung berapi yang terdapat di negara bagian Michoacan, Meksiko. Sebelum tahun 1943 gunung berapi ini tidak ada, namun tiba-tiba terdapat aktivitas vulkanik yang mengakibatkan orang-orang di sekitar sana mengungsi, gunung muda itu terus bertambah tinggi, dalam sehari menjadi 50 meter dan saat ini aktivitasnya bisa dikatakan berhenti, dan ketinggian gunung mencapai 336 meter.

7. Keajaiban Dunia Pelabuhan Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro (bermakna “Sungai Januari” dalam bahasa Portugis) adalah ibu kota Negara Bagian Rio de Janeiro di Brasil bagian tenggara.Kota ini mempunyai luas sebesar 1.256 km² dan penduduk sekitar 6.150.000 juta jiwa (2004).Sekitar 10 juta orang tinggal di wilayah metropolitan Rio de Janeiro Raya, yang saat ini merupakan kota terbesar keempat di dunia.

Letak pelabuhan Rio De Janeiro sangat unik yaitu tepat berada di ujung muara sungai antara pertemuan laut dan sungai, selain kota pelabuhan kota tersebut juga mempunyai letak dan pemandangan geografis yang sangat indah, Brazil ditemukan dan dijajah oleh portugis pada tahun 1565 sehingga budaya , bahasa, kebiasaan, juga makanan mengacu kepada negara portugal yaitu karena adanya ikatan bathin antara dua negara tersebut.

copypaste: kaskus .
Keajaiban Dunia ini telah di terbitkan oleh media luar negeri yaitu CNN. Sepertinya Kebanggan dari Bangsa Indonesia yaitu Candi Borobudur tidak lagi masuk dalam kategory tujuh keajaiban dunia.

tanpa judul

hai hai .. seneng gue hari ini .. hahha

 tau ga sih , gue kan ngirim mention ke artis yang gue sangat sangat suka . dia itu pemain band di luar negeri . eh , malem-malem nih mention gue di bales sama dia ..ohh so ..EXCITED .. wooow
jarang-jarang artis bales mention penggemarnyaa . nanti nih malem gue kirim lagi hahahah ..

Jumat, 25 Juni 2010

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Synopsis : Lucy and Edmund are spending a dreary holiday with their cousin Eustace Clarence Scrubb, who is a rather dour and mean spirited little boy. They are unexpectedly drawn into Narnia when a painting of a ship on the wall of Lucy's room comes to life, and the three children fall into the ocean to be rescued by the Dawn Treader.

Once safely on board, Lucy and Edmund are greeted by their friend Caspian (now King Caspian) who has undertaken a quest to find the seven lost Lords of Narnia, as he had previously promised to Aslan. Lucy and Edmund are delighted to be back in Narnia, but Eustace is less than enthusiastic. Reepicheep is also on board, as he has vowed to find the seas of the "utter East".

They first make landfall at the Lone Islands, which is nominally Narnian territory, but has fallen into degeneracy--among other things, they participate in in the slave trade. Caspian, Lucy, Edmund, Eustace and Reepicheep are kidnapped by a slave trader to be sold. A man "buys" Caspian before they even make it to the slave market. He turns out to be the first lost lord, Lord Bern, and acknowledges Caspian as his King when Caspian reveals his identity. Before they leave the island, Caspian re-claims it for Narnia, overthrows the greedy governor, and replaces him with the Lord Bern, whom he creates Duke of the Lone Islands.

At the second island they visit, Eustace leaves the group to avoid doing any work. He hides in a dragon's cave to escape a sudden downpour. The dragon's treasure arouses his greed, and he fills his pockets with gold and jewels and puts on a large golden bracelet. He then falls asleep and wakes up as a dragon, with the bracelet badly hurting his arm; it fit his boy's arm but is far too small for his dragon's foreleg. As a dragon, he becomes aware of how bad his previous behaviour was, and uses his strength to help make amends. Aslan visits Eustace during the night and turns him back into a boy, and as a result of the visit, Eustace becomes a much nicer person. When Eustace is finally able to take off the bracelet, Caspian recognizes that it belonged to another lord, Lord Octesian; presumably the dragon killed Octesian and added the bracelet to its hoard.

In addition, they visit Burnt Island, Deathwater Island (so named for a pool of water which turns everything immersed in it into gold, including one of the missing lords), the Duffers' Island and the Island Where Dreams Come True. This last island, where nightmares become real, is never seen, but is where they find a crazed Lord Rhoop. At last, they come to the Island of the Star, where they find the three remaining lost lords in an enchanted sleep. The fallen star inhabiting the island informs them that the only way to awaken them is to sail to the edge of the world and leave one member of the crew.

The Dawn Treader continues sailing into an area where merpeople dwell and the water turns sweet rather than bitter and salty. At last the ship can go no further as the water has become too shallow. Caspian wishes to travel with Reepicheep to the end of the world, but his subjects are unwilling to let him go and remind him that he has promised the daughter of the fallen star that he would go back for her. Caspian declares that nobody will go on and descends to his cabin, here a painting of Aslan comes to life and tells Caspian that Edmund, Eustace, Lucy and Reepicheep are to go on to the end of the world, but Caspian must return to Narnia.

Lucy, Edmund, Eustace and Reepicheep venture in a small boat through an ocean of flowers until they reach a wall of water that extends into the sky. Reepicheep paddles his coracle up the waterfall, and is never again seen in Narnia. Edmund, Eustace, and Lucy walk in a strange land where they find a lamb. The lamb turns into Aslan who tells them that Edmund and Lucy will not return to Narnia and that they should learn to know him by another name in their own world. He then sends the children home

sumber :: kaskus ::

10 sneakers keren .

Ini nih hasil rekomendasi gue , 10 sneakers yang lagi tren saat ini . model ini banyak di pake sama artis hollywood , di indonesia juga ada sih . Merk nya macem - macem ada yang converse , trus yang lain ..hahah . harga nya pun ada yang mahal dan murah paling murah sih sekitar 300rb an .. menurut survei gue .

ini ada fotonya .. ::

 - merknya converse .

 - merknya converse

  - buat cewek juga bisa .

  - ada tmpt CD nya , jd bisa dengerin lagu nih .

  - keren nih .

  - lumayan buat hangout .

  - sneakers nya anak mudaa .

  - cewe or cowo cocok pake ini .

  - banyak warna .

  - yang ini limited edition .. cool .

:: segin dulu rekomendasi tentang sneakers yang keren ::

foto : google . 

Selasa, 22 Juni 2010

lagi males .

lagi males nulis blog , jadi gue on ym , sm download lagu hahah 

greenday - 21 century breakdown .

Born into Nixon, I was raised in hell.
A welfare child where the teamsters dwelled.
The last one born, the first one to run,
My dad/town was blind by refinery sun.

My generation is zero.
I never made it as a working class hero
21st century breakdown
I once was lost but never was found.
I think I'm losing what's left of my mind.
to the 20th century deadline.

I was made of poison and blood.
Condemnation is what I understood
From Mexico to the Berlin Wall
Homeland security could kill us all.

My generation is zero.
I never made it as a working class hero.
21st century breakdown,
I once was lost but never was found.
I think I'm losing what's left of my mind.
to the 20th century deadline.

We are the cries of the class of 13
born in the era of humility
we are the desperate in the decline
raised by the bastards of 1969!!!

My name is no one, your long lost son
Born on the 4th of July
raising the bygones of heroes and cons
left me for dead or alive

There is the war that's inside my head
that questions the results and lies
While breaking my back til I'm damn near well dead
When enough ain't enough to survive.

I am an agent, a worker, a pawn
my debt to the status quo
the scars on my hands are a means to an end
it's all that I have to show

I'm taking a loan on my sanity
for the redemption of my soul
well I am exempt from this tragedy
and the 21st century fall

Praise, Liberty
the freedom to obey
it's a song that strangles me
well, don't cross the line

Oh, dream American dream
I can't even sleep/see
from brainstorms/rainstorms til dawn
Oh, bleed America bleed
believe what you read
from heroes and cons.

HERO/HEROINE - boyslikegirls .

It's too late baby
There's no turning around
I got my hands in my pocket
And my head in the cloud
This is how I do
When I think about you

I never thought you could break me apart
I keep a sinister smile and a hole in my heart
You wanna get inside
Then you can get in line
But not this time

Cause you caught me off guard
Now I'm running and screaming

I feel like a hero
And you are my heroine

I wont try to philosophize
I'll just take a deep breath and I look in your eyes
This is how I feel
And its so surreal

I got a closet filled up to the brim
With the ghost of my past and the skeletons
And I don't know why
You'd even try
But I won't lie

You caught me off guard
Now I'm running and screaming

I feel like a hero
And you are my heroine
Do you know that your love is the sweetest sin

And I feel a weakness coming on
Never felt so good to be so wrong
Had my heart on lock down
And then you turned me around
And I feel like a newborn child
Every time I get a chance to see you smile
it's that complicated
I was so jaded

And you caught me off guard
Now I'm running and screaming

I feel like a hero
And you are my heroine
Do you know that your love is the sweetest sin

I feel like a hero
(And i feel a weakness coming on)
And you are my heroine
(Never felt so good to be so wrong
Had my heart on lockdown
And then you turned me around)
Do you know that your love is the sweetest
(And I feel like a new born child
Every time I get a chance to see you smile
It's that complicated)
(I was so jaded) repeat and fade

Senin, 21 Juni 2010

STALKERS story part1

tadi gue chat dong sama hmm 'prince charming' gue ..ahahha gitu ternya orangya masih kayak dulu .. nomer hp nya masih yang lama lohh ..hahha

#masih segini dulu cerita gue ..ahahha

WAKA-WAKA shakira

You're a good soldier
Choosing your battles
Pick yourself up
And dust yourself off
And back in the saddle
You’re on the frontline
Everyone’s watching
You know it’s serious
We’re getting closer
This isnt over
The pressure is on
You feel it
But you’ve got it all
Believe it
When you fall get up
Oh oh…
And if you fall get up
Oh oh…
Tsamina mina
Cuz this is Africa
Tsamina mina eh eh
Waka Waka eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
Anawa aa
This time for Africa
Listen to your god
This is our motto
Your time to shine
Dont wait in line
Y vamos por Todo
People are raising
Their Expectations
Go on and feed them
This is your moment
No hesitations
Today’s your day
I feel it
You paved the way
Believe it
If you get down
Get up Oh oh…
When you get down
Get up eh eh…
Tsamina mina zangalewa
Anawa aa
This time for Africa
Tsamina mina eh eh
Waka Waka eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
Anawa aa
Tsamina mina eh eh
Waka Waka eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
This time for Africa


 stalkers nama blog gue , di ambil dari bonus majalah GADIS . sengaja gue kasih nama ini biar ga ada penguntit di blog gue ini ahahah .. iseng aja biar oke .

Minggu, 20 Juni 2010

my hero (dad)

my father very often give us what I want, sometimes I used to sulk if you want to ask something, just in love .. doing it again in my room .. i would ngeliatin huhu .. i was touched love you dad so much .. sometimes to work on tasks for me, if I'm able to be .. most convenient if you spend the same father, same mother that sometimes guns at you, whereas if the same father may choose which I like .. , Always love my family ..

my simple data .

gadis dwita prameswari
Umur: 14
Jenis Kelamin: Wanita
Tanda Astrologi: Taurus
Shio: Tikus
Industri: Pelajar
Lokasi: jakarta : Indonesia
Mengenai Saya

yaah saya itu suka aneh orang nya , suka ngomong sendiri .. belum termasuk gila nih ..ahah
buat ngusir kebosanan . :p
Film Favorit
action adventure drama comedi cartoon etc
Musik Favorit
pop punk country. etc
Buku Favorit
whatever .Blog Saya
STALKERS keep out .


Boys Like Girls didn’t have to look far for inspiration when it came time to record Love Drunk, the long-awaited follow-up to their self-titled Columbia Records debut. After spending three years on the road in support of Boys Like Girls – which has sold more than 700,000 copies to date, is certified gold by the RIAA, and spawned the top ten Top 40 radio hit “The Great Escape” – the four friends from Boston knew how much they’d progressed as a band, and they credit a lot of that growth to their fans.

“Being able to play your songs almost every night for three years straight, you notice that they’re morphing into different interpretations, and bits and pieces are changing as you progress as a band,” says front-man Martin Johnson of his band’s evolution since the release of their debut in August 2006. “When we came into the studio and started banging this new record out, it was like second nature to us. We didn’t want to write an album that was the same as our first record, but we still wanted to do something that would be fun and different and cool, and stay totally locked in with our fans because they’ve been here for us since the beginning and allowed us to evolve with them. They are the most important thing to us.”

So Boys Like Girls did what they do best, embracing the same dynamic in the studio that has become a trademark of their live shows. It started with the songs but ended with the performances. In a day-and-age where technology rules and albums can be recorded with the press of a button and the loop of a sample, Johnson, guitarist Paul DiGiovanni, bassist Brian Donahue and drummer John Keefe wanted to capture their essence as a band, making spontaneity more important than pristine over-processing.

It’s the mindset that rules their live show, and it’s the mindset that would shape Love Drunk.

“I feel like modern recording has pressed bands into this tiny little box. It’s a futuristic war against recording where you master the super-compressed record, then it compresses down to an MP3, then it compresses down to whatever else… A lot of music just isn’t sounding organic anymore,” says Johnson. “We’ve had so much fun playing together, I feel like the music has built itself into something bigger with the live show. There is a whole large spectrum of sounds that comes with this record that we’ve been really happy to explore.”

Look no further than “Love Drunk,” the album’s anthemic lead single and title track and a punchy celebration of love’s intoxicating effects: “I used to be love drunk, but now I’m hung over/ I’ll love you forever, forever is over/ We used to kiss all night, now it’s just a bar fight,” Johnson sings, the track finding an all-too-happy medium between the band’s pop-rock debut and the more electronic fashion of bands like the Killers and Franz Ferdinand.

“Heart Heart Heartbreak” ramps the arena-ready sound up another notch, the verse-chorus-guitar solo combo custom made for audience participation; and “Contagious” follows suit with a penetrating bottom-end and rich vocal harmonies, further elevating Boys Like Girls to infectious new heights. On the less raucous end of the musical spectrum, a string section helps set the tone for the tender ballad “Two Is Better Than One,” while the more mid-tempo “The First One” offers an endearing take on bouncing back from a broken heart.

Recorded between Vancouver and New York City, production duties were split between the team of S*A*M and Sluggo [Metro Station, Cobra Starship, Gym Class Heroes] on the east coast and Brian Howes [Puddle of Mudd, Chris Cornell, Hinder] on the west coast. The band recording half the album with each producer but with end results as seamless as the band’s infectious sound. “What was fun about this record was experimenting with new stuff, going for a vocal melody, a chord progression, or something I might not have tried on the last record because I was scared of reaching outside the boundaries. It was about doing something fun and unique and trying to find a sound that nobody had really done before, and I think we definitely opened up our boundaries quite a bit.”

Voted’s Artist of the Year after receiving an astonishing 68% of the total vote in 2007, Boys Like Girls spent three years on the road, touring with the likes of Good Charlotte, Avril Lavigne and the Vans Warped Tour and developing one of the most loyal fan bases in modern rock. After selling more than 3.0 million digital singles – including 1.5 million copies of “The Great Escape,” 900,000 copies of “Hero/Heroine” and 600,000 copies of “Thunder” – Boys Like Girls chronicled their rise from Ramen Noodles and sleeping on fans’ floors to headlining their hometown arena with the release of their first DVD in November 2008, readbetweenthelines.

“This has all been such an amazing, gradual chain of events,” recalls Johnson, the band’s principal songwriter. “I think the most amazing part of it, aside from the really humungous shows and being able to play in front of amazing crowds, was watching as the word of mouth spread in the beginning. We had yet to have exposure on the radio or anything like that, and, through touring with different bands like Cartel, Hello Goodbye and the All American Rejects, all of a sudden people were singing along to every word. Before we knew it, we had sold 100,000 records and were going to radio with ‘The Great Escape.’ It was such a crazy whirlwind to watch it all happen. Then, to be able to headline your own tour and see the reaction when you headline your hometown arena — it’s totally incredible, and I wouldn’t have done anything any other way!”

“I don’t think anybody really knows what to expect from us on this record, but I think once people hear it they are going to understand it and understand the progression we’ve made. It was hard, and there was definitely pressure, but this is a huge step for us.”


# pertama ehmm : JUSTIN BIEBER 
# ketiga ehhh : PAUL DIGIOVANNI
# keempat sttst : JOSH HUTCHERSON
# kelima iss : CODY SIMPSON
# keenam ups : LOGAN LERMAN 
# ketujuh ohhp : SKANDAR KEYNES 
# kedelapan huush : ZAC EFRON
# kesembilan upps :  LIAM HEMSWORTH
# kesepuluh hah : TAYLOR LAUTNER .

 ahhaha negeri khayalan yang keren abis ..  nih ada foto nya juga .. 

holiday .

Holiday .. hm i work at home just to play, online, play games, the photographs are not clear, at the same tell-tell her mother and others. really bad mood when a holiday like this continue. wanted to go outside the city, watching movies, going out .. hahaha 

foto foto gaje ..

foto gue lg ngapain aja  ..ckck

Tipe orang dilihat dari cara kentut .

orang yang menahan kentutnya berjam-jam
orang yang tau kapan harus kentut
orang yang mau kentut tapi gak bisa
orang yang kalo kentut , orang lain nggak pada tau
orang yang tiba-tiba menahan kentutnya saat kentut
orang yang kalo abis kentut , kentutnya suka di kibaskan ke orang lain
orang yang kalo kentut nggak bunyi tapi malu sebdiri
orang yang menyembunyikan kentutnya dengan tertawa terbahak-bahak
orang yang kentut , menghirup kentut untuk mengganti kentut yang keluar
orang yang kalo kentut sedikit-sedikit
orang yang sering mencium kentutnya sendir
orang yang senang mencium kentut orang lain
orang yang kalo kentut sembunyi
orang yang kalo kentut sambil mengeluarkan tenaga dalam
orang yang ngaku kalo habis kentut
orabg yang bisa menandakan bau kentut orang lain
orang lain yang kentut tapi selalu dia yang disangka kentut
orang yang kentutnya berirama dangdut .

sumber majalah TEEN .

Jumat, 18 Juni 2010

owl city - hot air balloon .

We wrote a prelude
To our own fairy tale
And bought a parachute
At a church rummage sale

And with a mean sewing machine
And miles of thread
We sewed the day above L.A.
In navy and red

We wound a race track
Through your mom’s kitchen chairs
And fought the shadows back
Down your dark basement stairs

I lit a match, then let it catch
To light up the room
And then you yelled as we beheld
An old maroon hot air balloon

I’ll be out of my mind
And you’ll be out of ideas
Pretty soon
So let’s spend
The afternoon in a cold hot air balloon
Leave your jacket behind
Lean up and touch the treetops over town
I can’t wait
To kiss the ground
Wherever we touch back down

La la la la la laaa
La la la la la laaa

We drank the Great Lakes
Like cold lemonade
And both got stomach aches
Sprawled out in the shade

So bored to death you held your breath
And I tried not to yawn
You made my frown turn upside down
And now my worries are gone

I’ll be out of my mind
And you’ll be out of ideas
Pretty soon
So let’s spend
The afternoon in a cold hot air balloon
Leave your jacket behind
Lean up and touch the treetops over town
I can’t wait
To kiss the ground
Wherever we touch back down

I’ll be out of my mind
And you’ll be out of ideas
Pretty soon
So let’s spend
The afternoon in a cold hot air balloon
Leave your jacket behind
Lean up and touch the treetops over town
I can’t wait
To kiss the ground
Wherever we touch back down


Editan foto ini di buat oleh ank depok [indonesia] . setiap detailnya mempunyai seni (cehasik) , sehingga dapat menghasilkan karya yang bagus . gue milih gambar [foto] ini semua , tanpa campur orang lain ahahha . menurut gue sih ini  karya yang bagus , makanya gue masukin aja di blog gue ini .. untuk iseng iseng berhadiah aja ..wkwkwk 

dalam foto ini : - frischa alya , - handinni zizi larastika , - zahra roosnia , -wanita wynona ,- cerlintya mowinda .

Kamis, 17 Juni 2010


gue mau bgt ipad tapi harganya itu loh yang mahal  , kalau misalnya ada yang lelang gitu gue pengen deh ikutan ntar gue tawar paling murah dan satu-satunya ,,ahah ooh ipad jatuh cinte gue ahaha , di banding iphone sih gue pengen duaduanya maunya sih gitu , ga tau kapan gue belinya , kali gitu kalo udah ga jaman wkkwkw .. kali aja turun dari atas genteng ckkc kebanyakan mimpi nih gue . gue sangat berharap ipad di depan mata gue ntr pas bangun tidur besok ..amin .:D [kayanya si ga bakal] 

tentang bloody marry .

Cara Menghadirkan Bloody Mary.. Hantu Panggilan Ganas.. Penampakan Tertangkap Kamera

TIPS and TRICK : Cara Menghadirkan Bloody Mary.. Hantu Panggilan yang Ganas.. [NGERI!!].. [PICT + VIDEO].. wow.. inilah video petunjuknya untuk memanggil Bloody Mary.. sebelum masuk ke dalam tips dan trick tata cara pemanggilan Hantu Bloody Mary yang terkenal ganas dan mengerikan ada baiknya kita kenali dulu siapa Bloody Mary itu.. buat agan tetap saya sarankan jangan iseng memanggilnya yaaaa.. hehehehehehe..

1) Bloody Mary itu legenda Amerika, yaitu seorang wanita, Mary Whirnington yang dikabarkan meninggal di depan cermin. beberapa juga mengatakan kalau meninggal dibunuh dengan kejam oleh kekasihnya atau teman kencannya. beberapa menganggapnya seorang penyihir. Arwah Mary, terperangkap di dalam cermin sehingga ia tidak bisa keluar kecuali ada seseorang yang membuka jalannya dan karena terlalu lama terperangkap di dalam cermin, jiwanya menjadi marah, hampa dan bisa melakukan hal-hal yang di luar batas kemanusiaan.

2) Bloody Mary atau Mary Tudor, Queen of England, anak dari King Henry the 8th and Catherine of Aragon. waktu dia jadi Queen Mary of England. dia membunuh 100 pemimpin protestan, nah makanya dijulukin “Bloody Mary”.

3) ada anak kecil namanya mary, dia ketabrak gan. terus kan koma tuh, pas dirumah sakit sama dokternya udah dibilang mati. padahal masi koma. trus di kubur gitu gan idup2. nah tiap malem tuh ada yang teriak dari kuburannya. cuma orang2 pada g percaya. ya akhirnya dia mati disitu gan dan gentayangan. tp ane masi bingung apa hubungannya sama di cermin
cara buat munculinya adalah berdiri di depan kaca dalam kegelapan (biasanya di kamar mandi) dan mengulangi namanya tiga kali. ato gak sambil nyalain lilin gan, kalo udah muncul langsung tiup lilinnya (udah kaya jaga celeng ya) nah ntar pergi tuh.

4) suatu hari, ada cewek nmanya mary tinggal di puri bersama sodara tiri cewe dan sama cowoknya (boyfriendnya). nah mary sama sodara tirinya tuh saling benci. trus si mary nyrui cincin kimpoinya, otomatis kan marah tuh sodara tirinya. nah sodara tirinya ngirim guards gitu gan buat nyari si mary. pas udah ketangkep sama sodara tirinya di bawa ke istana cowoknya si cewe tiri itu.. kan mereka lagi di tempat perapian gitu , si sodara tiri cewe itu ngambil cincin kimpoinya lagi, terus si marynya di dorong ke perapian. mati deh...

TIPS and TRICK.. ini deh caranya:
1) ke kamar mandi
2) matiin lampunya
3) nyalain air gan
4) “ngomong nama “bloody mary” 3 kali
5) trus tutup mata… liat deh ada gak di kaca kamar mandi agan? hehehe
6) kalo gagal sampe cara 5, coba muter2 (lingkaran) 3 kali, dan lihat apa yang terjadi

jangan asal coba dulu gan!!! baca ini dolo! ntar nyesel loh

1) ada cerita yang katanya si Bmary itu nanyain prtanyaan 3 kali, dan kalo agan2 salah jawab 1 dan 2 pertanyaan, katanya sih bisa terluka gitu. kalo udah 3 kali bakalan mati gan. -_-

2) kami mau coba manggil, tp karena takut akhirnya gak jadi. jadi aku dan 3 temanku ke kamar mandi matiin lilinnya. tp pas udah dimatiin di cermin lilinnya masi nyala.

3) ada temen ku namanya cassie sama susan. temen mereka yang namanya sharon nantangin buat manggil si mary itu loh heheh. nah pas mereka nyoba g kejadian apa2. akhirnya mereka pulang. trus si sharon pas lagi mau mandi kan ngisi bak air. pas balik ke kamar mandi lagi airnya air darah. waktu lagi tidur si sharon bangun amlem2 da ngeliat kaya ada yang jalan gitu di tangga sambil abwa pisau. pas besoknya mamanya sharon ngeliat si sharon mati ada luka di mukanya gitu dan ada pisau nancep di perutnya.

4) sekitar 2 minggu lalu, aku mendengar tentang Bmarry. pertama2 aku g percaya, nah aku tertarik buat nyoba ini. martjin dan joey nginep dirumahku. nah aku nantangin mreka untung manggil b-marry dan akhirnya kita ngelakuin itu. gak ada jawabannya dan gak ada apa2. tapi tiba2 pintu terkunci. jadi g bisa masuk ke kamar mandi. nah aku nyoba2 cara biar bisa buka tuh pintu, akhirnya pas udah kebuka g ada apa2. trus nyalain lampu. pas ngeliat di balik korden temen ku udah jatuh berlumuran darah . ada cakaran di mukanya yang sangat dalam

ini adalah kisah nyata tentang meri yang terjadi kepada saya…suatu malam waktu bonyok lagi pergi, kakakku nantangin aku untuk melakukan ritual meri dan mencoba bangkitin meri. aku gak percaya kalo itu adalah nyata..jadi saya lakukan aja, karena dipikir bisa menjadi bahan tertawaan nantinya.. aku ke kamar mandi, matiin lampu, berjalan melingkar 7 kali sambil mangil2 meri meri meri dalam tiap putaran… lalu aku berenti dan menghadap ke kaca. menanti dalam keheningan untuk melihat apa yang terjadi….

pada saat aku mau meninggalkan wc, aku mendengar wanita bernyanyi… perlahan aku memutar badanku menghadap ke kaca dan aku melihatnya. doi memiliki rambut coklat kehitaman yang panjang yang dibalur darah…di lehernya terlihat seperti ada irisan di tenggorokan. aku berteriak. tapi waktu kakakku menggedor pintu dan membuka kunci pintu, meri makin marah. doi tersenyum lalu keluar dari kacanya dengan satu tangannya yang berluluran darah dan menampar serta mencakar wajah ku tepat di sebelah kanan. aku merasakan kukunya waktu mencakar dan aku terjatuh kelantai, kepalaku otomatis membentur sisi bathtub dan pengsan.

waktu aku bangun, aku berada di rs dengan perban yang melintang di sisi kanan wajah saya…kakakku berbisik ke padaku untuk meminta maaf kepadaku, supaya aku bisa memaafkan dia. bonyok ku juga ada disini. saat aku membuka mata, mereka langsgung menepi ke ranjang saya. aku tau bahwa kakakku berbohong dengan bercerita bahwa salah satu ekor kucing peloharaan ku mencakar aku. dan mereka percaya saja.

di malam yang sama, ada telpon dari bibi saya. pamanku meninggal di jam yang sama disaat aku diserang meri. aku tau itu bisa menjadi kenyataan yang aneh naun aku percaya bahwa meri yang telah membunu pamanku. dari semua cerita yang aku dengar, meri hanya akan menyerang kita, dan bukan orang yang kita sayangi. ak tak perduli degan cerita yang ada. aku berpikir meri lah yang membunuh paman saya.

kejadian nya sudah setahun nyang lalu dan hingga hari ini, saya asih tidak bisa elihat dengan mata kanan saya yang wakt itu diserang meri…dan wajahku rusak permanen…jangan ada yan gpernah mencoba untuk memanggil meri



ternyata lomo keren juga , jadi pengen beli ..hihi belinya dimana yaa ?? 

#jawabsendiri : ga tau laah ..ahhahah 

my favourite songs .

- justin bieber

- boyslikegirls

- greenday

- miley cyrus

- paramore

- akon

- owl city

- usher

- lady gaga

- demi lovato

- shakira

- jonas brothers

- beyonce

- lenka

- taylor swift

- selena gomez

- eminem

- muse

- linkin park

- kesha

- mariah carrey

- missy elliot


- etc [forget]

pick me - justin bieber .

woah oh yeah
(woah oh yeah)
eh eh
woah oh oh oh yeah
you’re the finest girl i’ve ever seen
and i wanna do you know this
every guy you meet ends up having feelings for ya
you can any of ‘em
you can take your pick
but you need to check with me
girl i promise i
i can take ya to the movies
we’ll be there holding hands
i’ll walk you home from school
i’ll walk you to your classes
playing my 360 yeah you’ll be my best friend
but most of all baby doll you’ll be my love love love

you should be pick me
so tell me can you dig it
i’m you everything you need
so tell me can you dig it
i’ll always be your number one number one fan
and i should be your one and only man
you should pick me
tell me can you dig it
everything we could be girl
so tell me can you dig it
i’ll always be your number one number one fan, dig that
i should be your one and only man
you should pick me

yeah you should pick me girl

you’re my favorite part of the day
and every morning i look forward to seeing your face
i just need to see it some more
baby i’m the kind of guy who could appreciate a girl as
amazing as you
so you gotta be my baby yeah
yeah we’ll already be chillin at the beach
i’ll take you on a cruise we’ll sit while we be eating
you can anything you want girl i’ll be your best friend
but most of all baby doll you’ll be my love love love

you should be pick me
so tell me can you dig it
i’m you everything you need
i’ll always be your number one number one fan (big fan)
and i should be your one and only man
i should be your one and only fan
you should pick me
tell me can you dig it
everything we could be girl
so tell me can you dig it
i’ll always be your number one number one fan, dig that
i should be your one and only man
you should pick me

if that other guy make you happy
we should fly somethin
we can run the sky swagger
the one that makes you laugh
the one that has your back
the one who would rather die
than make you sad

you should be pick me
so tell me can you dig it
i’m you everything you need
tell me can you dig it
i’ll always be your number one number one fan (big fan)
and i should be your one and only man

you should be pick me
so tell me can you dig it
i’m you everything you need
i’ll always be your number one number one fan (big fan)
and i should be your one and only man
you should pick me

pick me
you should pick me

woah oh oh yeah
(woah oh oh yeah)
eh eh
woah oh oh oh yeah

Rabu, 16 Juni 2010

#3 sumber : flickr

satu lagi gambar yang menarik perhatian gue untuk di masukkin di blog gue .. AMAZING .:)

about me .

Gue cewek , 14 tahun , sedikit pendiam tetapi kalu sudah kenal dekat bisa jadi heboh dan rame (gilapunbisa) ahahha . Rambut hitam sedikit kecoklatan , sering mengkhayal yang aneh-aneh, suka banget sama 'prince charming' kalau boleh di blang 'first love' yang beneran.. suka ngelamun , gue suka online ber jam-jam buat ngeliat video, foto, download , gosip , nge-share , kalau lagi online yang biasa gue buka : facebook, twitter, youtube, blog, myspace, google, omegle, yakkah, plurk, looklet, games, ym, msn,4shared, Itunes, etc . ahaha , temenan sama yang asik asik ga terlalu pusingin mnih kalau temena .. ckckc :D 

(foto with my brother )

Selasa, 15 Juni 2010

next day -->

udah dulu ahh , nulis blog-nya , besok lagi d teruskan .. mulai bosan saya ..

twitter lagi suka nge-ERROR .

Ga tau kenapa beberapa hari in twitter suka error , over capacity , dan lain lain yang bikin gue sama temen gue di twitter pada emosi .. ada yang bilang aneh " lah, terus ada juga yang bilang karena ada virus ALAY masuk ke twitter lah . Tapi gue ga tau juga yaa .. 

#2sumber : flickr

pemandangan dari berbagai belahan dunia .. woow amazing .. i like it . #hbu??